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We Pride Ourselves on Providing Superb Contract Manufacturing Services

With the latest technology & quality systems, Elizabeth’s Foods has earned an outstanding reputation serving private label customers in retail, food service, institutional and ingredients supply.

Quality Product Applications
Salad Toppings
Soup Pairings
elizabeth's food co bag
Functional Snacks

Plus many other end user products. We’ll formulate and manufacture exactly what you need!

Organic & 100% Natural

Beyond quality & consistency, our products are available in organic and 100% natural formulas. That means they’re free of artificial colors & flavors, GMO’s, hydrogenated oils and trans-fats.

Custom Formulas

We always welcome customer input in product development. Our customers' ideas blended with our own Research and Development team means a top quality product that meets everybody’s standards. We’re happy to custom formulate to meet your exact needs.